2023.04.14 (W5) 2023 Innovation Distinguished Lecture: Research History and Experience Sharing of Hi
Topic:Research History and Experience Sharing of Highly Cited Scholars
Speaker:Jo-Shu Chang Ph.D.
Date:14th Apr., 2023 (Fri.) 10:00-11:30
Room:Chien-Tien Hsu Memorial Hall, 8F, Comprehensive Medical Building (Rear Building)
This speech is in Chinese.
※ Please must register in advance
※ Registration website: https://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4679
※ Deadline:13rd Apr., 2023(Thu.)12:00
※ Participant:Faculties and students
※ Organizer: TMU Office of Research and Development
※ Contact Person:Tracy Kang(m513097010@tmu.edu.tw)